我构建了一个运行在 Node.js 服务器上的 TiddlyWiki 个人数字花园网站

TiddlyWiki Talk

本文是建立 https://pimgeek.com/notes/ 数字花园 3 个月后,在 TiddlyWiki 官方论坛上公开发布的 Showcase 展示帖文


首先,我非常感谢 TiddlyWiki 的创造者 Jeremy Ruston 和所有来自 TiddlyWiki 社区的开发者 / 超级用户们,建立网站的过程就像沉浸在一个沙盒游戏中,如同玩乐高积木 / Minecraft / Terraria 一样。🤩


创建这个数字花园网站的部分灵感来自 Andy Matuschak 的个人笔记网站,但如果没有由 Roman Veselý 开发的 Krystal Horizontal StoryRiver 插件 的帮助,我几乎不可能模仿出 Andy 笔记网站的效果。🙏

我为什么要建立它?我建立这个数字花园网站是为了开展公开学习常青笔记等实践,这些实践被证明有助于塑造我的个人创意写作习惯,因为 TiddlyWiki 提供了强大 / 灵活到难以想象的内容微管理工具和编程可能性,我可以非常有效地收集 / 标记 / 分组 / 浏览 / 搜索 / 过滤 / 呈现 / 分享 / 迁移我的笔记。现在我再也不用担心我的想法和短文散落在不同的社交网络应用程序中了(在那里我与来自不同领域的人交流,并获得进一步的创作灵感)😌

在过去,即使我想把分散的写作内容集中起来,也不知道该把它们存放在哪里。现在我把它们都放在我的 TiddlyWiki 数字花园中管理。由于TiddlyWiki 非常方便,我总想把自己的经验分享给其他人(特别是那些每天都要处理大量短笔记的知识工作者),所以我在花园中的 TiddlyWiki 标签 下整理了许多关于 TiddlyWiki 使用经验和技术实现思路的笔记 😃

最近,我开始使用 Devin Weaver (@sukima)Reveal.js 插件 来优化我的某些想法序列的展现。希望以后我不再需要在公开演讲后把我的 KeyNote 或 Powerpoint 幻灯片文件发给观众,我会给他们发一些我的数字花园链接(例如:如何让不熟悉技术的人们也能体会 PKM 的乐趣?)😎

最后的说明:本网站主要针对中文读者,如果你对内容感兴趣但不熟悉中文,可以考虑使用 Chrome / Edge 浏览器内置的 中文⮕英文 翻译功能来阅读 😊

Original English Version

Digital Garden URL - 🌱 学习者的数字花园 — 记录我的学习与思考

First of all, I’m very grateful to Jeremy Ruston and all people from TiddlyWiki Developers / Super-Users Community. The process of building the website is like immersing myself in a Sandbox Game, just like playing Lego Blocks / Minecraft / Terraria. 🤩

Secondly, let me introduce my site a little.

This Digital Garden website is partially inspired by Andy Matuschak’s Personal Notes Website, and it’s almost impossible to mimic Andy’s website without the help of Krystal Horizontal StoryRiver Plugin created by Roman Veselý. 🙏

Why did I built it? I built this Digital Garden website in order to practice Learning in Public, Evergreen Notes Keeping, which are proven to help shaping my personal Creative Writing habit. TiddlyWiki provided unimaginably powerful and flexible Micro-Managent tools & programming possiblities to collect / tag / group / browse / search / filter / present / share / migrate my notes. Now I never have to worry my ideas and short writings are scattered everywhere in different SNS apps (where I communicate with people from various fields and get inspired for further creative writing ideas). 😌

In the past, even I wanted to gather the scattered writing together, I don’t know where to store them. Now I manage all of them in my TiddlyWiki Digital Garden. Since TiddlyWiki is very handy, I always want to share the experience to other people (esp. Knowledge Workers who need to deal with a lot of short notes on a daily basis), so I’ve written many notes on TiddlyWiki Usage Experience / Tech Tooltips under TiddlyWiki Tag. 😃

Recently, I began to use Reveal.js Plugin by Devin Weaver (@sukima) to improve the presentation of my ideas. Hopefully I won’t need to send my KeyNote / Powerpoint slides files to the audience after a public presentation, I will send them some my Digital Garden links (e.g. Fun of PKM for Non-Tech People). 😎

A Final Note: This website is primarily targeted at Chinese readers, so if you are interested in the content but not familiar with Chinese Text, you could consider using Chrome / Edge Browser’s built-in Chinese ⮕ English translation to read them. 😊